Git all Command

 Check Git status

1)git status

Add changes to stage

2)git add .filenames

git add .   (stage all files)
git add -a (add all files)

Once we have finished our work, we are ready to move stage to commit for our repo.

3)git commit -m "Message" 

Get up-to-date code from the repo

4)git pull 

move change file to the server

5)git push

check in which branch

6)git branch

Create new branch

7) git branch branchname

Switch branch

8)git checkout branchname

git configuration

9)git config --list

Create a new branch from a branch

git checkout -b branchname  (create clone branch of current branch with given name)

 Merge Branches

 lets current branch test1  

 want to merge test2 in test1

10)git merge test2

Delete branch

11)git branch -d branchname

Git check remote
 12)git remote -v

Git add remote

13) git remote add origin <remote_repo_url>

Remove Files from stage

14)git rm --cached  <file name or files name>

Remove changes from modified files

15)git restore  <file name or files name>

See Git Logs

16)git log

17)git log --oneline

18)git reflog

Rollback changes after commit

19)git reset --hard  <commitid>  (will remove all changes after this commit id)

Send some specific files to master branch from feature branch

20) git checkout feature new2.txt new4.txt

note:- all steps

#first you are in master branch

#create feature branch from master

git checkout -b feature

#create new files in feature  

touch file1 file2 file3 file4

git add.

git commit -m "some new features added"

#now back to master branch
git checkout master
#now you want to send file3 and file4 in master
git checkout feature file3 file4


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