Xpendy Pending

 1) Experiment Xpendy | E-mail domain suggestion Done

2) Xpendy Experiment | Change red error color to orange Done

3) My Xpendy | Implementation of credit card payments in ChargeBee

4) My Xpendy | Briefing split audience Mailchimp

5) Xpendy | Customers can only do one conversion from oneclick email Done

6) Xpendy | Send letters by e-mail Done

7)My Xpendy | Optimization of IT and ES Done

8)Experiment Xpendy | XPE-0110 - Form field bigger than letter  pending

9)Xpendy | Implement experiment 100% on live website NL Done

10)Xpendy | Implement XPE-0112 experiment for AT website Done

11)Xpendy | Third mail - proof of arrival implementation Pending

12)Xpendy | Adding code for experimentation tool in progress

13)Xpendy | Automating SEO content + Add Button for changes & category error - feedback  in progress

14)Xpendy | Split testing collection mail NL via Mandrill Pending


15)My Xpendy | Implementation of credit card payments in ChargeBee Pending



Note:- Need explanation in detail please setup a call to discribe all document.

16)Xpendy | Give access to Xpendy members in Mandrill Pending


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