CMD commands list

Cmd commands For Window 10

  1. mkdir  create a new directory
  2. rmdir  delete directory
  3. xcopy  copy files   xcopy test.file "to location"
  4. del   delete one or more files  del test.file or *.files
  5. move  move/rename files  move test.file "tolocation" 
  6. ren   rename file     ren test.file  change.file
  7. dir   show all directory
  8. cls   clear screen
  9. time  display time
  10. shutdown  shutdown the computer
  11. hostname  Display hostname
  12. tasklist  display applications
  13. taskkill  terminate a process or a application  taskkill \p 9987
  14. wmic cpu   Get details about computer
  15. wmic bios get serialnumber  Get bios serial number
  16. net user Manju Manju@123 /add  Add new user in system
  17. net user to list all user
  18. net user username  space *  To change password   if you not make any password then double enter
  19. type nul> test.anyextension  to create new file
  20. attrib +h +r +s   hide all files  in any directory  attrib +h +r +s  filename to hide one file
  21. attrib -h -r -s      show all files  in any directory  attrib -h -r -s  filename to show one file


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